Tweens & Teens Therapy

Being a teen today is very complicated.

It seems like stress and anxiety are epidemic.

Teens receive messages about how they have to be great at everything – school, sports, extracurricular clubs, and community activities – in order to get into college.

There’s no time for fun.

Schools no longer seem safe.

Does your teen or tween show any of these behaviors:

  • Often irritable or angry
  • Fights frequently with you or friends
  • Withdraws from you, family, or peers
  • Looks sad or stressed
  • Feels tired or sick often
  • Gets lower grades at school
  • Seems down or says negative things about themselves
  • Stops being interested in activities

“What can I do?”

It’s difficult to figure out if this is normal “teen” behavior or a sign that there’s a problem.

Not knowing what to do is extremely stressful for you, and your family.

When you ask him if something is wrong he says, “Nothing. I’m fine.” But you know, it’s not.

The rest of the family doesn’t really see a change in him. “He’s just being a teenager.”

You continue to lay awake worrying about him.

How I can help.

I love working with teenagers! Speaking 16 is natural to me!

When you bring your older child or teen to psychotherapy, I’ll initially meet with you both together.

We’ll discuss why you came, anything you feel is important for me to know about your child, and the limits of confidentiality with teens.

Then, I’ll meet with your child alone.

It’s important that your child develops a trusting relationship with me.

I’ll ask her permission about what I can share with you. Of course, if she’s in any danger, I will inform you.

Therapy sessions will focus on your teen’s challenges.

Your child will be allowed her to discuss her feelings and concerns in a safe, nonjudgmental environment.

As rapport is developed, she’ll be less defensive. I’ll help her gain a better understanding of her feelings and thoughts. She’ll learn ways to cope and find solutions to her struggles using positive, strength-based approaches.

Call me today, and let’s determine whether there is a need and how to help your child.